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Jürgen Haas

Jürgen Haas

Antwort auf von Aaron (nicht überprüft)

The best documentation to date is the blog post above. The only option to push directly to a production site is the rsync approach. All the other methods are based on Git repositories assuming that once you commit with certain attributes (e.g. commit to master or with a tag) that the Git repository then triggers the deployment which can be done with Jenkins, Ansible, GitLab CI or any other automation tool in place.

What DRD auto-update does is to build the update of each site in a sandbox, verifying that everything is OK and nothing broke. Then it stores the result and the push to upstream will then happen with a tool that's your free choice. In can be inside DRD though, just write a plugin for that.

For further discussion on this, you may want to come over to Slack, Gitter or DrupalChat where an interactive communication is more efficient.

Do., 03.05.2018 - 09:08 Permalink


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